
Predefined nurbsCurve shapes to be use as a rigging control Icons


arrow([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a ARROW shape.
axis([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a AXIS shape.
circle([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a CIRCLE shape.
compas([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a COMPAS shape.
connection_display_curve(name[, centers, degree]) Visual reference curves connectiong points.
create([parent, name, m, color, icon]) Icon master function
cross([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a CROSS shape.
crossarrow([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a CROSS ARROW shape.
cube([parent, name, width, height, depth, …]) Create a curve with a CUBE shape.
cubewithpeak([parent, name, width, color, …]) Create a curve with a CUBE WITH PEAK shape.
cylinder([parent, name, width, heigth, …]) Create a curve with a CYLINDER shape.
diamond([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a DIAMOND shape.
flower([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a FLOWER shape.
getPointArrayWithOffset(point_pos[, …]) Get Point array with offset
guideBladeIcon([parent, name, lenX, color, …]) Create a curve with a BLADE GUIDE shape.
guideLocatorIcon([parent, name, width, …]) Create a curve with a LOCATOR GUIDE shape.
guideRootIcon([parent, name, width, color, …]) Create a curve with a ROOT GUIDE shape.
guideRootIcon2D([parent, name, width, …]) Create a curve with a 2D ROOT GUIDE shape.
null([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a NULL shape.
pyramid([parent, name, width, height, …]) Create a curve with a PYRAMIDE shape.
setcolor(node, color) Set the color in the Icons.
sphere([parent, name, width, color, m, …]) Create a curve with a SPHERE shape.
square([parent, name, width, depth, color, …]) Create a curve with a SQUARE shape.