
Attribute creation functions


addAttribute(node, longName, attributeType) Add attribute to a node
addColorAttribute(node, longName[, value, …]) Add a color attribute to a node
addEnumAttribute(node, longName, value, enum) Add an enumerate attribute to a node
addFCurve(node[, name, keys]) FCurve attribute
addProxyAttribute(sourceAttrs, targets[, …]) Add proxy paramenter to a list of target dagNode Duplicated channel policy, stablish the rule in case the channel already exist on the target.
add_mirror_config_channels(ctl[, conf]) Add channels to configure the mirror posing
connectSet(source, target, testInstance) Connect or set attributes
getSelectedChannels([userDefine]) Get the selected channels on the channel box
getSelectedObjectChannels([oSel, …]) Get the selected object channels.
get_default_value(node, attribute) Get the default attribute value
get_next_available_index(attr) get the next available index from a multi attr This function is a workaround because the connect attr flag next available is not working.
lockAttribute(node[, attributes]) Lock attributes of a node.
moveChannel(attr, sourceNode, targetNode[, …]) Move channels keeping the output connections.
reset_SRT([objects, attributes]) Reset Scale Rotation and translation attributes to default value
reset_selected_channels_value([objects, …]) Reset the the selected channels if not attribute is provided
setInvertMirror(node[, invList]) Set invert mirror pose values
setKeyableAttributes(nodes[, params]) Set keyable attributes of a node.
setNotKeyableAttributes(nodes[, attributes]) Set not keyable attributes of a node.
setRotOrder(node[, s]) Set the rotorder of the object.
set_default_value(node, attribute) Set the default value to the attribute
smart_reset(*args) Reset the SRT or the selected channels
unlockAttribute(node[, attributes]) Unlock attributes of a node.


FCurveParamDef(scriptName[, keys, …]) Create an Fcurve parameter definition.
ParamDef(read as Parameter Definition) Encapsulate the attribute creation arguments in a handy object.
ParamDef2(scriptName, valueType, value[, …]) ParamDef2 inherit from ParamDef
colorParamDef(scriptName[, value]) Create a Color parameter definition.
enumParamDef(scriptName, enum[, value]) Create an enumarator parameter definition.