.. _shifter-component-reference: Shifter Component Reference ########################### Shifter comes with over 40 components you can build your rig from. This section covers the functionality and settings of each one in detail. Guide Settings ============== Main Settings ============= Settings shared by all components. * **Name**: The base name of the component, all the parts of the component get renmaed. * **Side**: Which side the component is on; Left, Right or Center * **Component Index**: WIP * **Connector**: WIP Joint Connection Settings ------------------------- * **Use Joint Index**: WIP * **Parent Joint Index**: WIP Channel Host Settings --------------------- * **Host**: The guide that stores the extra attributes for this component, such as IK/FK blendering and more. This will generally be a control_01 component. Custom Ctonrollers Group ------------------------ WIP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shifter Components ================== arm_2jnt_01 ----------- Two bone arm setup with: * **IK/FK blending** for switching between animating with IK or FK * **Roll** attribute that lets you adjust the elbow direction, without moving the pole vector * **Twist joints** for better deformations around the shoulder and wrist joints * **Armpit roll** to manually adjust the twist joints around the shoulder joint * **Scale** of the entire arm * **Stretching** so the arm can elongate when the IK control is too far away to reach, including a maximum stretch limit * **Sliding** of the elbow, which elongates the upper arm while shortening the lower arm, or vice versa * **Softness** to prevent popping when the IK arm is stretched out straight * **Reverse** to make the arm bend in the opposite direction when using IK * **Roundness** for rubber hose style animation * **Volume** preservation during stretching * **Elbow** controller for accurately positioning the elbow, for instance when a character is resting her elbows on a table * **Space switchers** for the IK, Up Vector and Elbow controllers that controls which space they follow This is the default arm comoponent used by the biped template rig. Guide Positioning +++++++++++++++++ WIP Compoent Settings +++++++++++++++++ TODO! Should this be tools tips in the interface itself. * **IK/FK Blender**: Default Source ++++++ Link to Module (how) arm_2jnt_02 ----------- WIP arm_2jnt_03 ----------- WIP arm_2jnt_04 ----------- WIP arm_2jnt_freeTangents_01 ------------------------ WIP arm_ms_2jnt_01 -------------- WIP cable_01 -------- WIP chain_01 -------- WIP chain_FK_spline_01 ------------------ WIP chain_FK_spline_02 ------------------ WIP chain_FK_spline_variable_IK_01 ------------------------------ WIP chain_IK_spline_variable_FK_01 ------------------------------ WIP chain_IK_spline_variable_FK_stack_01 ------------------------------------ WIP chain_net_01 ------------ WIP chain_spring_01 --------------- WIP chain_stack_01 -------------- WIP chain_whip_01 ------------- WIP control_01 ---------- WIP eye_01 ------ WIP foot_bk_01 ---------- WIP hydraulic_01 ------------ WIP leg_2jnt_01 ----------- WIP leg_2jnt_02 ----------- WIP leg_2jnt_freeTangents_01 ------------------------ WIP leg_3jnt_01 ----------- WIP leg_ms_2jnt_01 -------------- WIP lite_chain_01 ------------- WIP lite_chain_stack_01 ------------------- WIP meta_01 ------- WIP mouth_01 -------- WIP mouth_02 -------- WIP neck_ik_01 ---------- WIP sdk_control_01 -------------- WIP shoulder_01 ----------- WIP shoulder_02 ----------- WIP shoulder_ms_01 -------------- WIP spine_FK_01 ----------- WIP spine_S_shape_01 ---------------- WIP spine_ik_01 ----------- WIP spine_ik_02 ----------- WIP squash4Sides_01 --------------- WIP squash_01 --------- WIP tangent_spline_01 ----------------- WIP ui_container_01 --------------- WIP ui_slider_01 ------------ WIP